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"To-Do" Strong: Understanding Enneagram 3's at Work

Enneagram 3’s, sometimes referred to as the Achievers, are known for their determination, efficiency, and positivity. They thrive in environments where they can set goals, tackle challenges, and celebrate successes.

As with each Enneagram number, the focus on performance for Enneagram 3's is a double edged sword. Performance that draws people together and creates balanced opportunity for the whole team is a sign of an unbelievable group of people. Performance that pushes aside anything without the prospect of a gold star can create a shallow work environment consumed with appearance and avoidance.

Hard Work and Efficiency

Efficiency is the "bread-and-butter" of our Enneagram 3 friends. They love accomplishing and they're fueled by forward momentum. If you know an Enneagram 3 you likely know someone that is always moving, talking, thinking, doing and has already come up with 7 ways to expand your idea into something bigger and better.

When you are working with Enneagram 3's, remember that they appreciate clear goals. When you can provide clear and attainable goals, this helps them focus their energy and ensures they are working towards something meaningful. Avoid getting in their way or slowing down their natural momentum. Trust them to find the best way to complete their tasks. Micromanagement can be frustrating for all of us, but especially for Enneagram 3's when they see a more efficient path.


In any Enneagram literature you come across, you will notice a theme with Enneagram 3's, they like to be appreciated for their efforts. Again, we all like to be appreciated and recognized for a job well done, but as with everything in the Enneagram, each number has a unique reason behind these wants and needs.

For Enneagram 3's, they want to bring something of value to the team. Their drive for efficiency, their hard work, all of their efforts are channeled into being someone that is valuable and needed on their team. So when an Enneagram 3 fails in that quest, it can be really difficult to look at.

Failure and critical feedback can be incredibly hard for an Enneagram 3 to examine objectively. Their heart and soul is focused on producing good and effective work for themselves and the people around them. A critique of their work, is a critique of them - it hits hard.

So, yes, we all want to be appreciated and recognized for a job well done, but understanding what is brewing behind those tasks can help bring a deeper understanding to how we work together. When we can build encouragement and feedback into regular conversations, we can create a space where everybody, especially Enneagram 3's, know that they are valuable and important members of the team.

Let's Work Together

There is no perfect solution to putting nine different personalities in a room and telling them to work together. The ONLY way to get a bit better at it is to start to understand what is behind different behaviours and actions.

Enneagram 3's teach us to dream big and set huge goals. We need them. But they also don't want to do that work alone. Get to know the 3's in your life. There is no quick list of tips that can be offered to get around the fact that each person needs to be heard and understood just as they are.


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