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My name is Tamara Kroeker

If you know me, you know I am more than a fan of the Enneagram. What started as a tool for my own personal growth has expanded into my true passion for understanding how people work and connecting with them.


After two decades working as a teacher for various ages and subject matters, I chose to pivot my professional life to work exclusively with my not so hidden hobby - people and the enneagram.


I’ve heard the Enneagram described as a “short-cut” to self growth but it is so much more. My experience in the world finally made sense with what I’d learned and continue to discover through the Enneagram.


I spent more than 30 years of my life as a version of myself that played small and avoided being seen - an Enneagram Nine - but that version never fit no matter how many times I tried. The Enneagram has shown me the power, confidence, freedom and strength of my true self, and the crucial role I play in the world.


This is why EnneagramAWARE is founded on the idea of Collective Action and Wholeness. Collective Action is more than working together. It is the acknowledgment that EVERYTHING we do contributes to the whole. It is a radical appreciation of the effort of every individual in your organization.


We both know that your organization's greatest asset is your people. I want to bring the same freedom and strength I have found to each person within your organization and watch your people expand their natural creative abilities and exceptional skill.


I am an experienced public school teacher, facilitator and leader with a certification in coaching and training using the Enneagram but more than anything, I see people, I love people and I want every person to see how important they are to their workplace and their unique position in life. No one will ever fill this exact space in time again - you are the one we've been waiting for - so get curious about what makes you amazing!

EnneagramAWARE operates on Treaty One territory, the traditional land of the Anishinaabe, Ininew, Anishininew, Dakota, Denesuline, and the homeland of the Red River Métis. We would like to acknowledge that the Indigenous people of this land have always known how to care for their whole being and understand the importance of being in balance with the mind, body, heart and spirit. With this in mind, we seek to be a good guest and treaty partner and learn from the wisdom shared by Indigenous peoples. 

Listen to my
podcast interview on
Journey with Care!

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