Embracing Individuality: Understanding Enneagram 4's at Work
In many fast-paced work environments, the Enneagram 4 perspective can get lost in the shuffle. Working with Enneagram 4's involves recognizing and celebrating their individuality, encouraging their authenticity, and valuing their emotional depth.
By creating an environment that respects and nurtures these qualities, you can harness the unique strengths of Enneagram 4's, and all of the unique perspectives who make up your team, leading to a more innovative, empathetic, and harmonious workplace.
I've lost count of the number of times I have said, each Enneagram number comes with a double-edged sword, but here we go ... an Enneagram 4's desire for individuality is a double-edged sword. There is an element of individuality that an Enneagram 4 may cling to that creates a barrier to relationship and connection at work. For some 4's, their deep longing to be seen for who they are means that anytime they aren't seen, or even if it seems like they aren't seen, they can become withdrawn and hurt, creating more distance and disconnection between themselves and others.
The truth is, every individual is unique. Obviously there are patterns to human behaviour as explained through the Enneagram, but the way each individual person experiences and expresses their Enneagram number is unique. The Enneagram 4 is the example for all of us to remember not to place people into boxes or make assumptions. Each person on our team deserves the time and energy it takes to learn who they are and the individual strengths and perspectives they bring to the workplace.
The other factor that Enneagram 4's very naturally bring to the table is their desire for authenticity. I think the majority of people would agree that "honesty is the best policy" but how that plays out within a workplace often comes with some bumps along the way.
Every workplace, and truthfully every relationship, has certain boundaries around how much is shared and how much remains private (for example, the Johari Window concept). These boundaries are often very natural and necessary but can sometimes create misconceptions and miscommunications when each person has different boundary lines.
This is another point where we can learn from each other. Enneagram 4's desire deep and meaningful connections with colleagues and to engage in work pursuits that align with what they value. We can use their cue for authenticity to engage in intentional conversations with the people around us. This can build incredibly powerful teams that really understand one another and allow each person's natural talents to flourish and grow.
But this is also a place where we can acknowledge that NO ONE has the corner on what it means to be authentic. Every person is allowed to chose what they do and don't share in the workplace and that doesn't make them more or less authentially who they are.
Let's Work Together
There is no perfect solution to putting nine different personalities in a room and telling them to work together. The ONLY way to get a bit better at it is to start to understand what is behind different behaviours and actions.
Embrace the unique contributions of your Enneagram 4 colleagues, and watch as they enrich your team with their creativity, authenticity, and emotional insight. We need Enneagram 4's, but they also need support and understanding to do their best work. Get to know the 4's in your life. There is no quick list of tips that can be offered to get around the fact that each person needs to be heard and understood just as they are.