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Enneagram for Me

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Personal Enneagram Coaching

Uncovering more of the real YOU!

Below you will find my philosophy for personal coaching and sustained individual growth.




Seeing is always the first step. I believe self-development happens by first DRAWING ATTENTION TO PATTERNS of behaviour. When we wake up to patterns that have kept us stuck we can allow ourselves to get curious about what else is going on. It can be difficult to notice behaviours that have been with us our whole lives and in many cases have been the reason we have survived and thrived.


The Enneagram has been created to be an awareness marker for hidden or subconscious behaviours. Within the system itself are practical tools to help you SELF-REFLECT AND OBSERVE some of these patterns and behaviours to CREATE LASTING CHANGE and, ultimately, MORE FREEDOM.


Choosing to


Part of the beauty of the Enneagram is the wholistic nature in which the system was created. We are every number although we lead primarily with one type and we need every number to understand the full spectrum of human experience. There is no movement forward in self-development without an acceptance of our unique role in the system. ACCEPTING HOW MUCH WE MATTER in our spheres of influence gives us space to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our contributions to the health of ourselves and others. 


The purpose of the Enneagram is never to label or box someone in, but to show them the ways they have been limited in their expression of themselves and how to allow more of their true self to lead the way. 


Watching life


I want to walk with you as you become aware, choose to accept and finally watch life expand. There is NO LIMIT to your personal growth when you are able to see yourself more clearly. The present moment is waiting, full of possibility.


The Enneagram's highest goal for you is to SEE MORE and ACTIVELY CHOOSE more in your life. When we are stuck in patterns of thinking, feeling and doing we unconsciously limit ourselves. We box ourselves into the comfort of what we know. 


Join the Enneagram journey of greater self-awareness and watch your life expand!

If you are ready to go beyond simple

self-growth strategies and basic personality tests,

contact below to schedule an information call. 

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